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The Lodge Wadjemup Redevelopment and Concrete Batching Plant | June 2023 to September 2025

The Lodge, Boreham Way, Digby Drive, Kitson Street, Batching Plant, near the Train Shed and south of Oliver Hill Railway.

Works and service improvements are conducted periodically across Rottnest Island

A range of projects are also currently underway to refresh and revitalise Rottnest Island facilities. These works aim to enhance the visitor experience and to preserve the island long term.

Please refer to this list for updates on works taking place and how they may impact your visit.

For information on projects that are transforming the island, visit Significant Projects.

For further information on planning your visit to the island, visit

Last updated: 26 July 2024

Commencing: June 2023

Completion: September 2025

New food and beverage, accommodation and conference facilities for The Lodge Wadjemup are in progress.

Redevelopment includes new accommodation and refurbishment of 109 rooms including 46 new rooms and refurbishment of 31 Boys Reformatory rooms and 32 Lakeside Villas.

In addition, new food and beverage facilities including a kiosk, conference and event facilities, pools and amenities are under construction.

Stage 1
Completion: November 2024
New restaurant set to open and refurbishment of the Boys Reformatory and Lakeside Villas.

Stage 2
Completion: September 2025
New poolside villas and conference facilities.

  • Noise and additional vehicle movements may occur during The Lodge Wadjemup redevelopment.
  • To ensure minimal disruption to visitors and the environment, Boreham Way will be closed with access only to contractors.
  • Public access remains open on Kitson Street, Digby Drive and surrounding Garden Lake.
  • Increased traffic is expected along Digby Drive, Brand Way, Parker Point Road and surrounding the aerodrome.
  • Vehicles involved in the works will need to travel during construction hours, Monday to Saturday.