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These projects will ensure Rottnest Island remains a place of high heritage significance, with the vision, The aims of these projects are to: » Raise the profile of the defence heritage story, by developing a, These projects are also supported by a range of supporting projects and ongoing background work that, projects that further consolidate and develop the overall interpretive experience., The table below provides an overview of the priority projects.

Works and service improvements are conducted periodically across Rottnest Island A range of projects, For information on projects that are transforming the island, visit Significant Projects.

through grant submissions, sponsorship, and fundraising activities to support important conservation projects, Head to their website for more information on their current projects, fundraising activities, or how, skilled trades and technical support for the island’s small to medium scale building and maintenance projects, They have been instrumental in helping deliver projects all across the island.

Supportive and progressive endeavours The Plan is complemented by a suite of supporting projects and, the defence heritage experience and are pursuing a public-private partnership for broader heritage projects

Previously completed projects include: Gateway – Welcome Statement sculpture, Settlement Mall upgrades, Complementing these projects is the suite of improvements funded by the State through the marine infrastructure

The key initiatives under the RIMP emphasise sustainable tourism, renewable energy projects, and environmental

recognise excellent work nationally in the categories of exhibition, public programs and sustainability projects

since April, with significant input from the Whadjuk Noongar community.Two other significant Island projects

Director, Infrastructure – is responsible for ensuring all ensuring all Contractors and works projects, Rottnest Island Managers and Officers – to ensure that projects comply with this policy. 7.

Datum: GDA94 1:2,000 0 25 50 75 100 12.5 Metres (A4) Document Path: M:\GIS\Projects\Rangers\MARINE

• Major Projects – is responsible for delivery of projects funded by the Commonwealth Government, 2019-20 saw the establishment of a new operational area, Major Projects, within RIA., Major Projects is responsible for the delivery of RIA projects funded under the National To u r i s, In 2019-20, RIA issued 15 new research permits for a variety of projects., Income is recognised over time as the projects are constructed. Refer to Note 3.4 6.

• Major Projects – is responsible for delivery of major projects including projects funded by the, event projects for over two decades., MAJOR PROJECTS The Major Projects team is responsible for delivering a suite of projects funded by, Key projects The suite of projects (page 31) span the Island and are located at key areas for visitors, including Commonwealth projects, Jetty Projects and Water Projects.

You’ll engage in a wide range of projects, from visitor services, infrastructure expansion and refurbishment

Jason joined RIA to lead delivery of projects under the National Tourism Icons program before commencing, Infrastructure is responsible for Rottnest Island’s utilities and built assets, major and minor projects

Special purpose appropriations have also been provided for significant capital projects, addressing, RIA will pursue a public-private partnership for broader heritage projects., During the RIMP 2023–28, RIA will identify a range of activities and projects that could be pursued, Key Outcomes • RIA/volunteer activities and projects to improve island amenity, visitor experience,, Fa c i l i tating the completion of these projects will be a focus during this RIMP .

: Reviewing all major contracts, island properties and businesses, development applications, major projects

• Major Projects — is responsible for delivery of major projects including projects funded by the, infrastructure and event projects., WARG provided assistance and guidance on both projects., including Enhancing National To u r i s m I cons projects, Water Network and Production Upgrade projects, Commonwealth, Jetty and Water projects than the prior year