24 MARCH 2024
Wadjemup / Rottnest Island invites new island businesses
Wadjemup / Rottnest Island is preparing for summer 2024-25 by calling for expressions of interest to operate a business on the island.
Wadjemup / Rottnest Island is preparing for summer 2024-25 by calling for expressions of interest to operate a business on the island.
High numbers of local, interstate and international visitors to Wadjemup / Rottnest Island over the recent summer months have continued the island’s status as one of Western Australia’s premier holiday destinations.
The Hon. Rita Saffioti, Deputy Premier and Minister for Tourism, today released the Rottnest Island Authority’s Recreational Expression of Interest (EOI).
The EOI encourages experienced operators and business owners to bring new, innovative and dynamic businesses to Rottnest Island.
The EOI application outlines four key categories for the 2024-25 summer:
- Recreational Activities and Experiences
- Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Experiences
- Peak Season Pop-Up at the Heritage Common
- Water Park / Activities at North Thomson Bay
Applications closed 4 pm AWST, 1 May 2024.